Ways to Give
There are many ways to support students at activities at Medicine Hat College. From cash gifts that can be put to immediate use to planned giving that provides a future legacy of support, our engagement team is here to help you understand the options and find the path that is right for you.
You may choose to donate online by filling out the donation form below and selecting the project or fund you wish to support. Here you can choose to make a one-time donation or a monthly gift.
By choosing this donation method, a charitable receipt for the full amount of your contribution will be automatically generated through the third party system, CanadaHelps, and sent to the email address you provide.
Though CanadaHelps does charge admin fees prior to MHC receiving the funds, Medicine Hat College makes up the difference to ensure the full, intended amount of the donation is deposited to support the intended purpose.
Medicine Hat College's charitable registration number is 119036796 RR 0001.
Planned Giving
A planned gift is a charitable gift that you plan for now, but is not received by Medicine Hat College until a later date. Making a planned gift can be a way of making a very personal statement about the values you have embraced throughout your lifetime. There are many different types of planned charitable gifts:
- bequests,
- life insurance,
- charitable remainder trusts and
- charitable gift annuities.
Medicine Hat College is honoured to receive the trust of individuals who choose to establish a planned gift to benefit the college and its students. Making a planned gift can also provide significant tax benefits for you and your loved ones. Professional advisors can assist you in making the best decision for your estate and financial plans.
Your privacy and right to give anonymously will be respected.
Honorary or Memorial Gifts
Honorary gifts recognize special individuals, anniversaries or events. Memorial gifts recognize lifetime accomplishments of individuals who have passed away. Honorary or memorial gifts can be unrestricted or designated for use in a particular program or area. All gifts are recognized with a card sent to the individual being recognized or remembered and/or his or her family.
Have questions? To learn more, click here.
Gifts in Kind
Both during your lifetime and through your will, you can donate property including equipment, software, artwork, shares and real estate. Tax receipts for your donated property or equipment work in the same way as they do for a gift of cash.
Gifts of Securities
When you make a gift of securities you receive an official tax receipt for the fair market value of the gift, based on the value of the securities on the date of transfer to Medicine Hat College.