Exterior view of Co-op Wellness Commons with MHC crest

News & Events

New English language learning available at MHC

Medicine Hat College is pleased to announce new language learning opportunities this fall with the introduction of Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC).

This program complements existing language learning available through community agencies in Medicine Hat and builds an important bridge for individuals looking to improve their English skills in order to pursue higher education or improve employability.  LINC offers Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) Levels 5- 8, which cover intermediate and advanced instruction. The program focuses on reading, writing, listening, speaking, and digital skills and supports the development of professional skills and career preparation.

“MHC is very excited to offer language instruction at intermediate levels to students and help them enhance their language skills, says Shalla Shaharyar, Pathways to Success program manager.

“As a result of the LINC program, students will not only be able to interact more effectively with others in the community and at work, but they will also be able to pursue college programming, if they are interested."

Intake for LINC is ongoing, meaning students can enter the program at any time throughout the year. Courses are delivered in person on the Medicine Hat campus.  

LINC is open to permanent residents aged 17 or older and federally funded at no cost for approved students. LINC programming is also available at MHC’s Brooks Campus.  

For more information, or to register, call 403.504.3617 or email info@mhc.ab.ca.