MHC Community Job Fair promotes local opportunities

With a mission to match community members with suitable employment opportunities, the 13th annual Community Job Fair is making its way back to Medicine Hat College (MHC) on Wednesday, Feb. 7.
Local employers offering part-time and summer positions, internships, and career opportunities will be available to meet with candidates and provide information about their organizations. All members of the public are invited to attend between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. at the Medicine Hat campus.
Shelly Drefs, MHC career services assistant, says she encourages jobseekers to speak to a wide variety of employers to understand the opportunities available to them. She also notes that dressing appropriately and being ready to make conversation are two ways candidates can impress.
“It’s important to remember the person on the other side of the table could be the one doing your future interviews, or may even do interviews on the spot, so we recommend those looking for employment come prepared to make a good first impression,” says Drefs.
Asking questions about an employer’s organization, the types of jobs for which they are hiring, and how jobseekers can stand out from other applicants are recommended conversation starters and may help lead candidates to an interview.
Unique to this event, there will be additional hiring opportunities for those seeking summer employment.
“We are excited to share that the City of Medicine Hat has aligned their Job Fair to coincide with ours and will be on campus on both February 6 and 7 to conduct on-the-spot interviews for some of their upcoming parks labourers positions, which run from May to August.”
Those interested in obtaining a summer position with the City are encouraged to stop by MHC on either of these days for an interview and can visit for details.
For more information about the MHC Community Job Fair, or to become an exhibitor at the event, visit