Weekly News - April 23
Events Workshops & Training Research Talks & Faculty Presentations Heck Yeah
New Partner Announcement: Sandman Hotels & Sutton Place Hotels
MHC students, alumni, and faculty/staff are eligible to receive a special rate on Canada and USA Sandman Hotel & Sutton Place Hotel locations. To access the discounted rate, visit www.sandmanhotels.com or www.suttonplace.com, and enter the promo code: MEDHATCOL
Note: To receive the special discounted rate, you may be required to show your student, alumni, or faculty/staff ID upon check-in. Discount rate varies depending on location, availability, and restricted dates.
Questions? Contact alumni@mhc.ab.ca.
New Partner Announcement: Coast Hotels
MHC students, alumni, and faculty/staff are eligible to receive a special rate of 15%-20% off Canada and USA Coast Hotel locations. To access the discounted rate, visit www.coasthotels.com, input your destination, and enter the special code: MHC (in the company field).
Note: To receive the special discounted rate, you may be required to show your student, alumni, or faculty/staff ID upon check-in. Discount rate varies between 15%-20% depending on location, availability, and restricted dates.
Questions? Contact alumni@mhc.ab.ca.
Open Forum - Save the Date!
The next Open Forum with Kevin is scheduled for Thursday, Jan. 18 in the Crowfoot Room at the Medicine Hat campus. A forum date for Brooks Campus will be shared once confirmed.
Update: VP Academic
Stay informed with regular academic updates from Dr. Nancy Brown in On Campus each month.
Graduate survey results are outstanding when it comes to student satisfaction!
Thanks to the work you do...
• 98% of students recommend MHC
• 97% are satisfied with the quality of teaching at MHC, and
• 98% are satisfied with the overall quality of their educational experience!
Well done MHC! If you'd like to read the full report, click here.
Our new Research and Scholarship Development Coordinator, Elizabeth Pennefather O'Brien, and the newly formed Administrative Committee and Development Team are here to support research and scholarly activity at MHC. See below for more information.
And get ready to spark your interest! Mark January 22 on your calendars and be sure attend Ignite: Sparking Interest in MHC Programs. Click here to learn more.
Support for research and scholarship
With the New Year brings new and on-going supports for research and scholarship at Medicine Hat College. Please see below for the supports that are now active:Research and Scholarship (R&S) Administrative Committee
Members include:
• Dr. Nancy Brown (Vice President, Academic and Provost)
• Dr. Colleen Whidden (Director, Teaching and Learning)
• Dr. Brian Duffels (Chair, Research Ethics Board)
• Chelsey Ehresman (Manager, C4i)
• Dr. Elizabeth Pennefather-O’Brien (Research and Scholarship Development Coordinator)
This committee will operate at a high level to support research and scholarship at MHC.
Research and Scholarship (R&S) Development Team
Members include:
• Dr. Elizabeth Pennefather-O’Brien, (Research and Scholarship Development Coordinator)
Faculty members:
• Lorelei Boschman
• Serena Cataldo
• Jim Kuehn
• Rick Robinson
Staff members:
• Andrea Aarden
• Laura Gunn
• Natalie Hamilton
• Lesley Mackie
• Tonielle Pavlovic
• Sandra Price
External Member:
• Dr. Peggy Howard
This development team is a resource for all members of the College whether you are new to the idea of research or have been conducting research for your whole life.
Contact Elizabeth at eobrien@mhc.ab.ca if you:
• have an idea and want to discuss how it can fit into research and scholarship
• want to learn more about research and scholarship
• want to be part of the R&S Development team
• know an external member with research background who would volunteer on the R&S Development team
• want her to attend your program or department meeting to share more information about these new research supports.
Stay tuned for more information and events.
January Mental Health Break
Mental Health Services and Campus Recreation have partnered together to offer “Mental Health Breaks” for staff and students! This month's free activity is axe throwing. Grab a free, 30-minute axe throwing pass from Kristina, in G101 (Athletics & Rec Office), on Wednesday, January 10 at 9 a.m.
There are 40 passes available, one pass per person.
Volunteer opportunity
Human Resources is looking for volunteers to join the Employee Recognition Committee. If you are interested in joining or would like more information about the committee, please contact Christine at chornung@mhc.ab.ca by January 12, 2024.
Faculty Research and Scholarship Awards
Medicine Hat College (MHC) has created three new awards to promote and celebrate its academic successes in areas that contribute to MHC and/or the region. These awards will be conferred to Medicine Hat College faculty for research in1. a particular discipline of study,
2. teaching and learning, and
3. scholarship.
The award will take the form of a commemorative plaque, much like Instructor of the Year, and be accompanied by a certificate. Award winners will be publicized on the MHC website and in Campus Announcements. If there are multiple winners (i.e., a research team or a project involving students), each individual will receive a certificate and project leads will be awarded the commemorative plaque at the Scholars’ Celebration in April.
Award nominations must be completed online by March 1, 2024.
The awards are:
1. Disciplinary Research Award: The Disciplinary Research Award may be awarded for a range of research projects, inclusive of applied research. Submissions may also be interdisciplinary in method or scope. All research must be original.
2. Teaching and Learning Research Award: The Teaching and Learning Research Award acknowledges original research in or for the classroom (individually or at a team-level) that is field-specific, uses new technologies, and/or develops original pedagogical techniques.
3. Scholarship Award: The Scholarship Award recognizes significant achievement in peer-reviewed scholarly activity.
A research project may be nominated for multiple awards but can only win in one category. Winners of the Disciplinary Research Award and Teaching and Learning Research Award may have later disseminations or publications from this research nominated for the Scholarship Award, but not vice-versa.
Faculty can be nominated by any MHC employee or self-nominate.
Nominations will be completed online through the Office of the VPA. Required information for online form includes:
1. Name of nominee/s
2. Name of the project, presentation, and/or publication nominated
3. Sufficient details (250 words) concerning the merits of the nominated work. Merits may include how the nominated work contributes to disciplinary knowledge, sustains collaborative degree programs and disciplinary/teaching research, enhances instruction, creates links with community or industry, improves and maintains expertise, and/or furthers knowledge.
4. Copy of the project, publication and/or presentation, when possible
5. Name of nominator (or be identified as anonymous)
Source is now SharePoint
MHC is taking steps to upgrade software and systems which include the decommissioning Source, an online platform that houses a variety of institutional and departmental content. Information that was previously found on Source has been migrated to SharePoint: https://medicinehatcollege.sharepoint.com/.
Unlike Source, the new SharePoint site does not require use of a college computer or Gateway to access the content. Other advantages include a more user-friendly interface and easier access to departmental information.
Please note:
• Any old links to Source.mhc.ab.ca will automatically redirect you to SharePoint
• Source will continue to be available until Mar. 1, at which point it will be decommissioned.
If you have any questions about the Source transition, or require additional content to be copied to SharePoint, please contact the Call Centre at callcentre@mhc.ab.ca.
$100,000 for Health Tech Research
Over the next two years, MHC's Centre for Innovation will receive $100,000 from Alberta Innovates, primarily to hire student research assistants throughout the summer. Students will work on research that falls within the programs priority areas, including Digital or Data Driven Health Research, Health related Commercialization, Health System Transformation, and other health related projects.
Faculty with projects or research interests that align have the opportunity to apply to the C4i for support in hiring a student research assistant, working full time for 10 weeks. Email Loreto Mattioni, C4i Research Coordinator, lmattioni@mhc.ab.ca, for more details. A proposal process will be rolled out later this month.
MHC remembers Nelson Yuen through art retrospective
A memorial exhibition for a Medicine Hat College (MHC) art & design instructor will be held in the Cultural Centre’s One-on-One Gallery this month. Open to the public from Jan 8-24, the show will display works created by Nelson Yuen, showing the breadth of his 50+ year career.“Curating this exhibition has been a bittersweet experience for me, says Dean Smale, MHC art & design instructor and curator. “Nelson was a good friend, my very first friend in Medicine Hat. Re-living my friendship with Nelson through his work has been sad, but also surprising, enlightening, and enjoyable. The breadth of work is immense, complex, eccentric, and culturally diverse.”
Described as a trailblazer in the fine arts community, Yuen earned a Bachelor of Arts from the University of British Columbia (1971) and a Master of Fine Arts from the University of Regina (1975). After teaching at Okanagan College, he joined MHC in 1986 and taught in the visual communications program for 28 years, helping students find their own path through art and developing strong friendships with colleagues. He retired from MHC in 2014.
New hours for College Clinic
Get the medical care you need, right here on campus with Dr. Nicoelle Wanner at the College Clinic. Check out the updated hours online and be sure to register as a clinic patient in advance of needing an appointment to avoid booking delays.
Visit College Clinic
Bingo boost: Volunteers needed
Our MHC Rattlers Booster Club is looking for volunteers for the following bingos:
Thursday, January 11 at 11:30 a.m.
Friday, February 2 at 11:30 a.m.
Thursday, February 22 at 11:30 a.m.
Wednesday, March 6 at 11:30 a.m.
Friday, March 22 at 11:30 a.m.
Wednesday, April 3 at 11:30 a.m.
Monday, April 15 at 11:30 a.m.
If you would like to volunteer, please email khyde@mhc.ab.ca.
Download the safety app
Donor Impact Report
To our valued MHC donors, please check out the 2022-2023 Medicine Hat College Community Donor Impact Report featuring award funding and donation statistics, community wellness programming, Rattlers Athletics updates and more.
Thank you for your continued support of the students we proudly serve and the programs and services we offer. If you have questions about your giving or would like to learn more about opportunities at MHC, connect with us at engage@mhc.ab.ca.
Support students and enhancements at MHC
In recognition of the world’s largest generosity movement, Giving Tuesday, help perpetuate MHC’s Community of Giving through a payroll deduction donation in support of students and enhancements at MHC! Currently, over 70 monthly donations are made by employees through payroll deduction to support activity at MHC.
Recently, MHC received a gracious gift from the late Mr. Donald R. Waldbauer, dedicating a large portion of his estate to support the Pathways Student Life Enhancement Fund. Given the magnitude of Mr. Waldbauer’s contribution, it has been decided to rename Pathways in his honor. The fund will now be known as the Waldbauer Student Life Enhancement Fund. The intention and parameters of the fund will remain, therefore if you currently contribute to Pathways, your monthly donation will still support the same cause. If you would like to change your current giving in any way, please refer to the payroll giving form here.
Payroll giving occurs on a monthly basis and is tabulated throughout a given tax year and tallied on your T4 for easy inclusion at tax time. Click here to start, increase, or change your giving.
Thank you to those who already donate and we look forward to having new contributors join in! If you have questions about giving opportunities or how you can make an impact, please connect with us at engage@mhc.ab.ca.

Free film viewing
In partnership with Family and Community Support Services, the Digital Wellness Coalition, What Matters to Hatters, and the City of Medicine Hat, we are excited to be hosting a FREE film screening and interactive discussion centered around the documentary The Great Disconnect.Tuesday, January 23
10 a.m. - 12 p.m.
MHC Eresman Theatre
View The Great Disconnect trailer here.

Rattlers Steak Night
Wednesday, February 7
5 - 9 p.m., silent auction 5 - 7:30 p.m.
Ralph's Texas Bar & Steak House
The last day to purchase tickets is January 15.
Tech Night
Join the C4i at the next Tech Night, Wednesday, January 31, 5 - 7 p.m. in Crave at Medicine Hat College.
Registration is free but space is limited. Register here now.
Tech Nights are a fun, relaxed networking environment where you can connect with the community in Southeast Alberta. They offer an opportunity for students and industry to engage with each other and include a Tech Talk where local experts share their stories to help inspire others.
The Tech Talk speaker is Melissa Hozack! She will share about her journey starting TruMe and her passion for helping people on their health journeys.
New Year, Brighter New You: ChatGPT Training for MHC Faculty
Set a realistic resolution this new year - you know you won’t work out anyways. With this 5-part training series you’re sure to drop the weight of your teaching workload. Let ChatGPT do the heavy lifting to transform your ideas into more dynamic learning experiences. You’ll get gains without the pains. Are you ready for a brighter new you?
January 16, 18, 23, 25 & 30
12:10 – 12:50 p.m.
Room S102
January 16 - Warm-Up Activities with ChatGPT Essentials
January 18 - High Intensity Prompts for Fresh Assignment Ideas
January 23 - Powerlifting your Exams with ChatGPT
January 25 - ChatGPT Strength Training with Role-Play Reps
January 39 - Cool-Down Discussion on ChatGPT
Register now for this PD opportunity and choose to complete your training in-person or online. Certificates of completion will be provided.
Please sign up for a ChatGPT account before attending the sessions. Using ChatGPT is completely free, although there is a paid version for those interested later on. If you need assistance with creating an account, please contact teaching@mhc.ab.ca.
Our Learning Circle Noon-Hour Talks
Join us for the third of an ongoing series of conversations this year in which faculty and staff explore decolonization and Indigenization at MHC. Heather Stahl and Shawn DeGreeve will lead an informal seminar exploring innovative approaches to the Indigenization of business curricula.
Wednesday, January 17
12:10 – 12:50 p.m.
Room F2004 (Bring your bag lunch)
Facilitated by Geoff Hamilton and Christy Gust - 2019 ExC!TE Grant Recipients
A Q&A session will follow, along with an invitation to continue the discussion via at www.OurLearningCircle.org.
The aim of these forums is to open constructive conversations about decolonization and Indigenization at MHC. Contact the Our Learning Circle coordinator, Geoff Hamilton at ghamilton@mhc.ab.ca to learn more about the aims of these talks.
Weekly EduTip
Join Dr. Colleen Whidden, Director, Teaching & Learning, for EduTip - a weekly, two-minute educational tip that is immediately applicable to the MHC classroom.View EduTip #14 and archived EduTip videos here.
Impact Symposium
The Impact Symposium is intended to bring together faculty, staff, regional industry, and municipal stakeholders. Join us for conversations about Innovation in the region and across the province, research at MHC and at other institutions, research supports on campus, and funding opportunities for research and community projects. Stick around for the proposal writing workshop Friday afternoon for support with both internal and external funding opportunities.
February 8 from 8 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. and February 9 from 8:45 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. at Medicine Hat College.
Register here now! Space is limited.
The agenda is in draft and may be subject to change.

Heck Yeah MHC!
We do good work. From outstanding educational experiences and personal supports for students to team building and leadership, Medicine Hat College faculty and staff are committed, caring and ready to serve.
Let's give a big virtual high five to our outstanding colleagues who were seen living MHC's principles!
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Rene Hemenway, Centre for Innovation and Teaching Excellence |
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Dylan Seitz IT Services |
Recognize an outstanding colleague by submitting a Heck Yeah nomination here.